
How To Repair Decaying Teeth

can you fix tooth decay

While tooth decay can be prevented, once information technology starts it can only be stopped from progressing further. It can't be reversed

Molar disuse occurs when bacteria and acids damage the tooth's enamel and can lead to cavities, hurting, infection, and even molar loss. While molar decay can be prevented, once it starts it can only be stopped from progressing further. Information technology tin can't exist reversed.

What causes tooth disuse?

Your mouth contains several bacteria that assistance digest food. When these microbes combine with foods containing carbs (sugars and starches), they form a delicate, sticky movie chosen plaque. Bacteria in plaque utilise these sugars to course acids, and these acids then beginning to destroy the minerals on your enamel.

Over time, plaque can solidify into tartar, causing damage to your teeth and gums and in some cases fifty-fifty cause glue diseases.

What are the signs and symptoms of molar decay?

In the early stages of tooth decay, you may not have symptoms. As tooth decay progresses, however, information technology can cause:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot or common cold or sweets
  • White or brown stains on the outside of a tooth
  • Cavities
  • Contamination, which tin can lead to an abscess (pocket of pus) formation and cause pain, facial swelling, and fever

How is tooth decay diagnosed?

Your dentist typically recognizes tooth decay by:

  • Request you about tooth sensitivity and toothaches
  • Examining your rima oris and teeth
  • Testing your teeth with dental instruments to bank check sensitive areas
  • Looking at dental X-rays, which can evidence the degree of crenel and decay

Your dentist can then determine which of the three kinds of cavities you take: shine surface, pit and crack, or root.

Can tooth decay be prevented?

Regular dental visits can aid your dentist place cavities and other dental conditions before they cause serious symptoms and lead to more significant issues.

The sooner you seek care, the better your chances at preventing its progression. If a cavity is treated before information technology begins to ache, y'all will probable non crave broad treatment.

5 ways to fix tooth decay

Treatment of cavities depends on how serious they are and may include:

  1. Fluoride: If your cavity is in the early stages, a fluoride handling tin help reestablish your tooth's enamel. Professional fluoride treatments incorporate more fluoride than tap water and toothpaste and may be applied as a fluid, gel, froth, or stain that is brushed onto your teeth or put in a little plate that fits over your teeth.
  2. Fillings: Fillings, also called restorations, are the primary treatment of pick when decay has avant-garde past the early phase. Fillings are made of different materials, such as tooth-colored composite resins, porcelain, or blends that are a mix of a few materials.
  3. Crowns: For extensive decay or a weakened tooth, you may require a crown (custom-fitted covering that replaces your tooth's natural crown). Your dentist drills away all the decayed areas and leaves enough of the remainder of your molar to guarantee a solid friction match. Crowns may be made of gold, loftier-forcefulness porcelain, resin, porcelain infused with metallic, or different materials.
  4. Root canals: When decay affects the inward textile of your tooth (pulp), you may require a root canal to fix and salve a severely harmed or contaminated molar instead of removing it. The afflicted tooth pulp is taken out, medications are put into the root channel to clear any contamination, and the pulp is then replaced with a filling.
  5. Extractions: Sometimes teeth become then seriously decayed that they cannot be fixed and crave extraction. Since having a tooth pulled can exit a hole that causes your adjacent teeth to shift, you may need to go an extension or a dental implant to supplant the missing tooth.


What causes tooth decay? See Answer

Medically Reviewed on ix/1/2021


National Institutes of Health. Tooth Decay.

WebMD. Preventing Tooth Decay.

American Dental Association. Decay.

How To Repair Decaying Teeth,


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