
How To Repair Broken Dive Fins

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Footpocket Rip: How do I fix information technology

  • Thread starter alexrom1207
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Well-Known Member
  • #1
Hi everyone, I take a problem. I'g Key Due west leap on Friday and I took my Cressi Gara 3000 HF out of storage only to detect that the back of the footpocket on one of my fins has split near the top. I searched the forum and the simply thread really discussing this event was only 6 posts long and it was from 4 years ago, so I figured I'd see what people accept come up with. That thread suggested using 3m 5200 (which I've heard of simply never used) and to be safe I would fix the rip and likewise attach a piece of safety to the outside of the back of the heel for skilful measure (wheel tube?). I'1000 willing to entertain any suggestions for new fixes or even testimonials almost the fix the old thread mentioned. Right now the rip is merely about three/4 inch long and hopefully a stich in time will exist worth nine. And as for stitching, I've heard suggestions about stitching the fin together, but am not crazy about that suggestion. In my opinion, difficult pressure points and rubber exercise not go well together, so that would be a terminal resort if information technology came to that.
Thanks in advance for all the help,
  • #ii
...any repair that you attempt on a heel-type rip will exist temporary at best. I accept never been able to fairly prepare a pes pocket. I was able, one time and in a clutch state of affairs, to rig a spare facemask strap by threading it thru' some additional 'cuts' that I fabricated so that it wrapped around the back of the heel and spread the stress out adequately evenly. Nosotros were able to make information technology work until the fins were replaced...
BTW Do you know how it got ripped? Has the rubber perished from age or dominicus exposure? Just curious...I am anal about dive gear intendance and handling...(on a boat there are and so many means to shorten the life of the equipment)...proper washdown and prevention of exposure to the lord's day and weather elements are #1, and if those steps are taken the gear will naturally exist properly stored and in good shape for the next time. Cheeres!
Mr. X
Jul xiv, 2005
  • #3
I recollect you'll end up ownership new fins but...

Y'all could try superglue - it's handy for dealing with perishing. I doubt if it will be stiff plenty but perhaps worth a endeavour for the minimal cost/impact. Make clean the surface first with alcohol (rubbing/meths/isopropyl) or similar, & let dry. I used to prepare my old wellies - sometimes it worked, sometimes information technology didn't.

Failing that, ii part epoxy resin? Would likely exist messy though.
Neoprene glue (i.e. glue for neoprene, or glue made with neoprene - not. nes. the same thing)? I'm told wetsuit, are held together by glue - the stitching mainly holds the parts in place while the mucilage sets. I recall I would probably try this first.

Perhaps utilise some of those stick-on butterly stitches to concur information technology while it dries?!

Fibre drinking glass?:D


Well-Known Member
  • #iv
Unfortunately, I left the fins out on the back deck of my boat and and so headed downward for law school, expecting to return in a few days. It was about a month after that I got back and the fins went through some serious heat common cold exposure. I'one thousand usually incredibly careful with my gear (I've had the aforementioned mask, knife, and sometime fins for 15 years (since I was 10) and they're however in great shape. This was merely i of those times when I got tied up and my gear paid the price. As for the ready, I need somethign that volition last a to the lowest degree a weak of on off diving (peradventure 2 or iii dive trips total during that time). Unfortunately I'chiliad guessing I will take to purchase new fins. But right now I don't take the time or the money to do that, and so I'1000 stuck trying to get a decent temporary repair.


Well-Known Member
  • #v
I would consider supergluing, then attaching a tyre repair patch (the larger, the meliorate). They should have a bit of the strain off eachother.


Well-Known Member
  • #vi
It seems like a lot of people are recommending superglue. I should probably be more than specific about the place of the tear. It is right at the heel portion of the footpocket. The role that needs to stretch a lot. And so everything in my caput is telling me information technology needs to exist a flexible bond. It seems that superglue would near probable non hold for long given that it is a brittle hold. Thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
  • #7
It seems like a lot of people are recommending superglue. I should probably be more specific about the place of the tear. Information technology is right at the heel portion of the footpocket. The part that needs to stretch a lot. So everything in my caput is telling me it needs to be a flexible bond. It seems that superglue would most likely not agree for long given that it is a brittle hold. Thoughts on this?
Yes, cyanoacrylate is non flexible. The rest of the back remains the same, though. I as well suggested a tyre repair kit, which is flexible, just y'all need to be aware of the strain that it volition be under. You can try just the patch, but I doubt it'll last a week.


Well-Known Member
  • #eight
Okay, so hither is what I did. I'll let you all know how it works. I used contact cement because information technology was stiff enough to hold tight (I decided to substitute a potent hold for a flexible one, I'll tell you lot why in a second). Commencement I sealed the tear. And so I took a slice of bicycle tube and cutting information technology and then it was a clean piece of rubber. Used lighter fluid (didn't experience like going out and buying a can of acetone for only one little task) to go the safe make clean. Roughed it all upwards with 80 dust sand paper. Did the same thing to the fin surface area. Then I took the tube and started at the bottom back (outside) of the heel. Doing it in stages and so there would be no bubbles to weaken the bond, I put the tube from the back of the heel all the mode up and over the acme (covering the rip on both sides by a couple of inches) and so all the way downwardly the inside of the heel and onto the bottom of the fin. Once this was done and sealed up tight, I took some time to brand sure that all the sides of the rubber were make clean and there was no infinite of flap coming undone. Then I took some flexible silicone caulk and coated the unabridged surface area to brand certain no h2o could become in (just to be prophylactic). I'll permit you know how the entire endeavor turns out in a bit. Nevertheless, I'chiliad expecting that I'll end up ownership a new pair of fins because while this will hopefully become me through this vacation I incertitude it will stand up to an entire summer of difficult employ. Thinking the gara professionals but people seem to be less than satisfied with them. So maybe I'll look for a fiberglass fin (tin can't do carbon because I'thou in and out of rocks too much). Whatsoever suggestions for a good surface and relatively shallow swoop fin would exist appreciated. Right now information technology's between the omer water ice and the gara professional person (I found the 3000 LD to be a bit soft).


Well-Known Member
  • #9
Sounds like it should concord for a while, at least until you lot make up one's mind what to get next.

Speaking of which, why practice people all the same think looking at carbon fins too hard will break them? I've never seen a broken pair and heard of bugger-all too. I've personally broken a pair of fibreglass fins and heard of several breaking, while we've all seen plastic fins that are so blimp they may as well have broken. I don't actually remember information technology'southward worth getting carbon when there's a range of good plastics out at that place, but don't think that roughing upwardly the carbon's will do anything more than scratch that pretty paintjob.

  • #10
Interesting repair Alex...naught like downsizing a good fin! Let us know how long it lasts...I'1000 curious.
BTW Omer Ice is my side by side move


dearest to chase in silence
December 17, 2004
  • #12
I remember you'll fins ya self ownership new fins mate
after all
fins are important
the movment of your leg
pushing water wont concord much
i hope you volition fins a pair that fits well
heard of Pathos or mares footpockets are corking

regards & god luck

  • #13
buy new ane'due south perhaps it's time you lot motion on to something better! even though cressi is very good.


Halla Waaaaallllaaa
Aug 15, 2002
  • #xiv
the only ready you will find is temporary because its in an area that stretches a lot. somewhen yous will buy new fins. all you lot will practice is delay this fact. you could apply a tire repair patch, or even a bike repair patch. best of luck and permit us know how it works out. i wouldnt apply super mucilage because it wont provide the amount of stretch taht you need. try to find some adhesive that can stretch.


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