
How To Repair Dented Metal Panel

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Getting dents in your vehicle repaired by a professional can exist pricey, but the expert news is you lot can repair minor dents and dings yourself for a fraction of the price. This commodity will walk you through several of the nearly effective, affordable ways to repair minor dents in a vehicle yourself. Some of these methods only require tools you lot likely already accept at home!

  1. ane

    Assess the size and location of the dent. Using a plunger to remove a dent works best on large, shallow dents in flat components of the body like the door or hood. Whether you employ a toilet plunger or an automotive i designed for dent pulling, no plunger can remove creases from steel, they tin can only pop dents back out.[1]

    • If the dent is smaller than a quarter, a plunger likely will not resolve it.
    • The flatter the torso panel, the better the plunger method will work.
  2. 2

    Purchase a clean plunger. You can actually use a toilet plunger with a similar level of effectiveness for this method as you tin a dent removing plunger purchased from an auto parts store. Plungers designed for dent removal may have a higher success rate with more difficult dents.[2]

    • Use a clean plunger to avoid getting any kind of debris on the paint of your vehicle.
    • Automotive plungers are often quite a bit more than expensive than toilet plungers.


  3. 3

    Moisten the rubber border on the plunger. Use a bit of water and a rag to moisten the suction surface of the plunger. This will permit it to create a seal confronting the vehicle, which will enable you to pull upward on the plunger to suck the metal back into shape.[3]

    • Make certain to apply clean, plain water to avoid dissentious the paint.
  4. 4

    Position the plunger over the paring and press into the vehicle. If the paring is larger than the circumference of the plunger, start on the edges of the dent. If it is smaller than the plunger, place the plunger straight over the dent. Press the plunger into the vehicle.[4]

    • You may need to repeat the process from multiple angles on larger dents.
    • When placing the plunger along the side of the dent, ensure the plunger is over both the dented and undented surface area.
  5. v

    Pull out on the plunger repeatedly. Pull backward on the plunger in short, jerking motions just equally you might when plunging a toilet. The plunger may popular off earlier the dent is removed, so prepare yourself to re-moisten the plunger and start again.[five]

    • It may have multiple tries to suck a dent back out of the metal.
    • Short, quick motions will yield the best results when sucking dents out of steel.


  1. 1

    Assess the angle of the dent. Dry ice needs to be practical to the dent for a short time in order to effectively remove it, then it may work best on horizontal surfaces such as the hood, roof or trunk lid of the vehicle. If the dent is on the side, y'all volition need to hold the dry out ice in place with tongs.[6]

    • Y'all can purchase dry ice at many large retail stores or at function supply stores.
    • Dry out ice works all-time on medium sized dents and may exist less effective on large ones.
  2. 2

    Put on safety glasses and gloves. E'er habiliment safety glasses and heavy duty gloves when handling dry ice. Considering of the extreme temperatures involved, coming into contact with dry out ice on blank skin could seriously injure yous.[seven]

    • Big rubber gloves and goggle mode glasses are required for this project.
    • Do not open the dry water ice bundle until you have acceptable prophylactic gear in place.
  3. 3

    Use tongs to place a bit of dry ice on the dent. Use a pair of long metal tongs to remove a chunk of dry water ice and apply information technology directly to the paring. If the paring is on a horizontal surface, you may place the dry ice on it, otherwise you volition demand to concur information technology at that place. Allow the dry ice to contact the metal for thirty seconds to a infinitesimal earlier removing it again.[8]

    • Be sure that if y'all are going to concur the dry out ice in place that yous use tongs and wear gloves to prevent ice burns.
    • Exercise not leave the dry ice on the paint for longer than a minute or information technology may damage it.
  4. 4

    Permit the dent to interact with the ambient air. Later on y'all remove the dry water ice from the metal, the warmth from the ambient air will interact with the farthermost cold created by the water ice. This interaction will crusade the metal to shift and pop out the dent.[9]

    • The intense cold will crusade the metal to retract then expand once more every bit information technology warms.
    • This shift in temperature may popular the dent out.
  5. v

    Repeat the process as necessary. Depending on the size and severity of the dent, you may need to apply the dry out water ice and permit information technology to warm again multiple times to remove the dent entirely. Echo the process until the dent is gone.[10]

    • Let the metal to accomplish normal temperature again earlier re-applying dry ice.
    • Pay attention to the clear coat on the metal. If it begins to crack, terminate applying dry ice immediately.


  1. 1

    Assess the location of the dent. Some dents are best accessed from behind. This is specially true for dents with very small diameters that are hard to remove with other methods. Make up one's mind if the dent yous intend to remove is located somewhere you can access by removing components of the torso.[eleven]

    • You will likely demand to remove body components to access a dent from behind.
    • Determine if you can proceeds access to the dent based on the tools you have on hand and your level of expertise in removing and replacing torso panels.
  2. 2

    Remove body components as necessary. Once yous have identified what components of the torso you will need to remove to gain admission to the paring, lay down blankets on the ground for any painted pieces you volition need to remove. Yous may besides need to replace mud guards from the bottom of the vehicle, tail or headlights or the wheels.[12]

    • Be careful not to lose any of the hardware used to fasten the body components to the vehicle that you remove.
    • Never lay painted components down on blacktop without a coating or something to protect the paint.
  3. 3

    Locate the behind of the dent. Once you are able to admission the dorsum side of the dent, jack up the automobile if need be and find the paring from the within. You may need a flashlight in order to see the inside of the dent.[13]

    • Locate the dent and position yourself so you lot can reach it.
    • You may need to try multiple positions in order to apply the leverage you lot need to the dent.
  4. iv

    Apply pressure to the back of the dent. For larger dents, you may be able to employ pressure to the within with your easily to popular the dent back out[xiv] . Dents with smaller diameters may crave that you press into them with a harder surface such equally the handle to a hammer.[fifteen]

    • Attempt to press the paring back out before resorting to using a mallet.
    • In that location is less chance of damaging the metal by applying force per unit area than at that place is in striking at information technology with a mallet.
  5. 5

    Use a wooden mallet covered in a cloth to bang on the dent. Wrap a cloth around the head of a wood mallet to soften the striking surface, then hitting the inside of the paring with the mallet. Yous may need to hit the dent repeatedly in order to knock information technology back out.[16]

    • Be careful not to bang on the interior metal from an angle or the side of the mallet may create modest creases in the metal.
    • Do not continue to hammer on the metal afterwards the dent pops out or you could cause the metal to bow outward slightly.


  1. 1

    Plug the glue gun in. Glue based paring pullers use traditional gum guns to heat the mucilage earlier applying it to the vehicle.[17] You lot will demand to plug the gun in a few minutes before y'all starting time in guild to heat the gun upward enough to melt the glue.

    • Exist sure to utilize an extension string that can reach the vehicle for the glue gun.
    • You will need to re-wax the vehicle later using this method.
  2. 2

    Choose the pulling tab best suited for the dent. Using a gum based dent remover kit purchased from an auto parts store, cull the tab that best fits the dent you are trying to pull. Usually, you want to use a tab that fits entirely within the dent and then information technology pulls directly from the center point.

    • Follow the directions in your dent pulling kit so help y'all determine which tab is correct for your application.
  3. 3

    Utilize glue to the tab, then place the tab in the center of the dent. Employ a dab of hot glue to the tab of your choice, then quickly place the tab, glue side down, in the middle of the dent. Hold the tab in place for a moment to allow the glue to set.

    • It's okay if some of the glue squeezes out the sides of the tab when you lot use information technology.
    • Concord the tab in place until the mucilage dries plenty to concur itself upwards.
  4. 4

    Attach the pulling mechanism to the tab. Slide the pulling mechanism subclass over the tab with the two posts on either side of the dent. If the kit came with multiple brackets, ensure yous use one that is longer than the diameter of the dent and then the posts are at to the lowest degree a half inch from the start of the dent on either side.

    • The posts need to be exterior the dent in social club to pull the dent out.
    • If the bracket is not wider than the dent, this method volition not work for you.
  5. 5

    Plow the knob until the paring pops out. Place the knob on the stop of the tab that's glued to the center of the dent. Turn the knob clockwise to tighten it, drawing the glued tab toward the bracket and pulling the metal with it. Go along to turn the knob until the dent pops out.

    • The glue may requite way as y'all turn the knob. If this occurs, remove the old glue and begin the process again.
    • You may need to repeat this method on more 1 spot to remove the entire dent.
  6. 6

    Remove the mucilage with isopropyl alcohol. Skin any loose glue off with your fingers, then use rubbing alcohol to aid remove any gum or remainder remaining. This will likely remove the wax, and possibly even the clear coat from your paint, and so be sure to apply a fresh coat of wax every bit soon as possible.

    • The glue and the booze are both harsh on paint, and so be sure to wash and wax the vehicle after using them.


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  • Question

    How can I get a paring out of a plastic bumper?

    Chad Zani

    Chad Zani is the Director of Franchising at Detail Garage, an automotive detailing company with locations around the U.S. and Sweden. Chad is based in the Los Angeles, California area and uses his passion for automobile detailing to teach others how to do so as he grows his company nationwide.

    Chad Zani

    Auto Detailing Good

    Expert Answer

    Try pouring boiling water over the console. Sometimes that will help it right itself considering the panel will expand and popular into shape.

  • Question

    Are paring pullers effective?

    Chad Zani

    Chad Zani is the Manager of Franchising at Item Garage, an automotive detailing company with locations around the U.S. and Sweden. Chad is based in the Los Angeles, California area and uses his passion for car detailing to teach others how to do so as he grows his company nationwide.

    Chad Zani

    Auto Detailing Expert

    Expert Answer

    Sometimes dents might need a little encouragement, similar using a kit where you glue a suction device or a tool to the bodily dent, then yous mount the paring pulling tool over that to actually pull the paring out. And as you pull that, the tool will pull on the console until the adhesive volition give mode which may pop the dent free.

  • Question

    How practice I know if dry out ice will affect the paint while pulling out a dent?

    Community Answer

    Examination a modest section first. It's not difficult to repair a pocket-sized paint blemish in a fairly unnoticeable location.

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  • If your auto is made of difficult plastic, you can often pour hot water over the dent. Doing so will make the plastic malleable, allowing y'all to reach nether the car and push the dent out from the inner side of the auto's anatomy.


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Article Summary X

To repair minor dents in your machine bodywork, try using a plunger or dry out ice. A plunger works well for large, shallow dents in a door or the hood. Start by rubbing the edge of the plunger with a clammy rag to moisten the suction surface. And then, position the plunger over the paring and press the plunger towards your car. Pull dorsum on it in short, jerking motions to suck the dent out of your car's bodywork. Dry out ice is bully for medium dents on horizontal surfaces like the hood or roof of your car, only y'all can employ information technology for whatsoever dents. Brand sure yous wear rubber glasses and gloves when treatment dry ice to avoid dissentious your pare. Apply tongs to grip a chunk of dry water ice and hold it against the dent for 1 infinitesimal. You might need to try a few times before the paring is gone. For more than tips, including how to remove a dent with glue dent pullers, read on!

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